These two functions check for the availability of datasets needed to formulate API queries.
finds all available vintages of major surveys under the Census Bureau's ACS and Decennial programs for the mainland US.check_qwi_avail
finds all years of QWI data available per state.
Previously, these were datasets built into the package, which ran the risk of being outdated and therefore missing the availability of new data. These functions need to read data from the internet, but are memoized so that the results are reasonably up-to-date without having to make API calls repeatedly.
For check_cb_avail
: A data frame with columns for vintage, program (e.g. "acs"), survey (e.g. "acs5"),
and title, as returned from the Census Bureau API.
For check_qwi_avail`: A data frame with columns for state FIPS code, earliest year available, and most recent year available.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
cb_avail <- check_cb_avail()
cb_avail |>
dplyr::filter(program == "dec", vintage == 2020)
} # }
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
qwi_avail <- check_qwi_avail()
qwi_avail |>
dplyr::filter(state_code == "09")
} # }