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2022 ACS

concept21 table_num concept22
american indian and alaska native (aian) alone or in any combination by selected tribal groupings B02017 american indian and alaska native alone or in any combination by selected tribal groupings
median household income the past 12 months (in 20xx inflation-adjusted dollars) by tenure B25119 median household income in the past 12 months (in 20xx inflation-adjusted dollars) by tenure
allocation of field of degree for population 25 years and over B99152 allocation of field of degree for the population 25 years and over
NA B15013 median earnings in the past 12 months (in 20xx inflation-adjusted dollars) by sex by field of bachelor’s degree for first major
NA B15014 median earnings in the past 12 months (in 20xx inflation-adjusted dollars) by age by field of bachelor’s degree for first major
NA B16002 detailed household language by household limited english speaking status
NA B25008A total population in occupied housing units by tenure (white alone householder)
NA B25008B total population in occupied housing units by tenure (black or african american alone householder)
NA B25008C total population in occupied housing units by tenure (american indian and alaska native alone householder)
NA B25008D total population in occupied housing units by tenure (asian alone householder)
NA B25008E total population in occupied housing units by tenure (native hawaiian and other pacific islander alone householder)
NA B25008F total population in occupied housing units by tenure (some other race alone householder)
NA B25008G total population in occupied housing units by tenure (two or more races householder)
NA B25008H total population in occupied housing units by tenure (white alone, not hispanic or latino householder)
NA B25008I total population in occupied housing units by tenure (hispanic or latino householder)
NA B25010A average household size of occupied housing units by tenure (white alone householder)
NA B25010B average household size of occupied housing units by tenure (black or african american alone householder)
NA B25010C average household size of occupied housing units by tenure (american indian and alaska native alone householder)
NA B25010D average household size of occupied housing units by tenure (asian alone householder)
NA B25010E average household size of occupied housing units by tenure (native hawaiian and other pacific islander alone householder)
NA B25010F average household size of occupied housing units by tenure (some other race alone householder)
NA B25010G average household size of occupied housing units by tenure (two or more races householder)
NA B25010H average household size of occupied housing units by tenure (white alone, not hispanic or latino householder)
NA B25010I average household size of occupied housing units by tenure (hispanic or latino householder)
NA B25077A median value (dollars, white alone householder)
NA B25077B median value (dollars, black or african american alone householder)
NA B25077C median value (dollars, american indian and alaska native alone householder)
NA B25077D median value (dollars, asian alone householder)
NA B25077E median value (dollars, native hawaiian and other pacific islander alone householder)
NA B25077F median value (dollars, some other race alone householder)
NA B25077G median value (dollars, two or more races householder)
NA B25077H median value (dollars, white alone, not hispanic or latino householder)
NA B25077I median value (dollars, hispanic or latino householder)
NA B25136 structure type by occupancy status
NA B25137 bedrooms by occupancy status
NA B25138 lower gross rent quartile (dollars)
NA B25139 upper gross rent quartile (dollars)
NA B25140 housing costs as a percentage of household income in the past 12 months
NA C02015 asian alone by selected groups
NA C02016 native hawaiian and other pacific islander alone by selected groups

2021 ACS

concept20 table_num concept21
NA B17101 poverty status in the past 12 months of people in housing units
NA B25132 monthly electricity costs
NA B25133 monthly gas costs
NA B25134 annual water and sewer costs
NA B25135 annual other fuel costs

2020 ACS

concept19 table_num concept20
NA B24134 detailed industry for the civilian employed population 16 years and over
NA B24135 detailed industry for the civilian employed male population 16 years and over
NA B24136 detailed industry for the civilian employed female population 16 years and over
NA B28012 age and enrollment status by computer ownership and internet subscription status

Not a lot new in the 2020 ACS.

2019 ACS

New tables

The 2019 ACS included reengineering of a few tables, and a few new additions. Some are clarifications of phrasing to both questions and tables, such as time leaving home for work. More substantial are the changes in how family structure has been phrased to be more inclusive of same-sex and unmarried couples–see the most recent working paper on this.

This is just a quick check of what’s new or changed.

concept18 table_num concept19
unweighted sample count of the population B00001 NA
unweighted sample housing units B00002 NA
sex of workers by time leaving home to go to work B08011 sex of workers by time of departure to go to work
means of transportation to work by time leaving home to go to work B08132 means of transportation to work by time of departure to go to work
aggregate travel time to work (in minutes) of workers by time leaving home to go to work B08133 aggregate travel time to work (in minutes) of workers by time of departure to go to work
time leaving home to go to work B08302 time of departure to go to work
means of transportation to work by time arriving at work from home for workplace geography B08532 means of transportation to work by time arriving at work for workplace geography
time arriving at work from home for workplace geography B08602 time arriving at work for workplace geography
presence of unmarried partner of householder by household type for children under 18 years in households B09008 NA
unmarried-partner households by sex of partner B11009 coupled households by type
women 15 to 50 years who had a birth in the past 12 months by marital status and presence of unmarried partner B13004 women 15 to 50 years who had a birth in the past 12 months by presence of spouse or unmarried partner
allocation of time leaving home to go to work B99083 allocation of time of departure to go to work
NA B05015 place of birth by year of entry for the foreign-born population
NA B11008 cohabiting couple households by presence and age of own children under 18 years
NA B11012 households by type
NA B98003 unweighted total population sample

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