Early childhood

Vision: All New Haven children, birth through age 8, will be healthy, safe, thriving in nurturing families, and prepared to be successful, lifelong learners

2020 Targets

Access to pre-K
Increase the percentage of New Haven children with pre-K experience from 73.9% to 100%
Quality teaching
Increase the percentage of preschool teachers meeting state credential requirements from 70% to 100%
Families and caregivers
Expand parenting education and support efforts to reach 60% of parents of young children


Chronic absenteeism
A student is considered chronically absent if they miss at least 10% of school days for any reason.
Low-income means a person lives in a household with an income of less than 2 times the federal poverty level.
Preschool enrollment
Pre-K enrollment is measured as the share of children ages 3 and 4 enrolled in some type of school.
Target indicators
Preschool enrollment by location, 2010-2015
Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey
Preschool enrollment by school type, 2015
Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey
Availability of childcare slots, 2014
Source: Connecticut 2-1-1 Childcare Survey
Other indicators
Chronic absenteeism, grades K-3, 2015-16
Source: CT State Dept. of Education
Low-income rate by race, ages 0-5, 2015
Source: DataHaven analysis, American Community Survey via IPUMS


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